When a Bible Verse Resonates in Your Heart and Makes You Tear Up
Next week, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm not a particularly outspoken Christian, and I'm certainly not an outspoken Catholic by any means. I write my reflections on a blog for others to read, I volunteer once in awhile, and try to live the life of a faithful disciple of Jesus, but that's mostly the extent of my public ministry. I try to let my actions speak for themselves and hope that it inspires others to be just a little better every week. I don't think of myself as deeply faithful, so it comes as a bit of a surprise to me when a single Bible verse can have such an impact on me in the way that it has this year.
This year has been a tough year for the entire world, so Christmas this year should be special. We should be celebrating the birth of Jesus like we do every year, but I think the end of 2020 means something special for everyone. Some folks are doing better than others, and I find myself on the side of the fortunate, but I can't help but wonder if there's more for me to do. I tell Camilla about all my dreams and desires to help others, especially my own family, and I've realized I spent a lot of time with my family this year - especially with my brother who decided to build his own house out of 6 shipping containers (2 side by side, stack 3 high if you're curious). Some nights and weekends are harder than others when my family asks for help, but I am reminded that not only can I do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but my burden is nothing compared to that of Jesus.
When I heard Matthew 11:28-30* again earlier this year, I felt something stir inside of me. Jesus said "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light." I don't know what it was about hearing this verse this year that has struck a chord with me, but it hit me deep.
Maybe it was the fact that I didn't anticipate taking on so many of my family's burdens this year. Those feelings and burdens, in addition to this pandemic, have been difficult to navigate. Upon reflection, it was important for me to recognize that my burdens could be given to Jesus - that he wants me to go to Him when I am tired.
The last sentence of this verse is all we need to know about why He wants us to go to Him when we are burdened. Putting everything into perspective, He said His burden is light - so what does that mean? We should recognize that whatever we're faced with in our lives, we can offer it up to Jesus and He will take it on Himself and the burden will still be light. Jesus wants to take those burdens from us and helps us realize that whatever we are going through, our burdens are small in the grand scheme of things. If offering His life to redeem us from our sins is a light burden, then we must recognize that our burdens are easy for him to handle.
As we reflect on Jesus's coming in the next week, we should continue to remind ourselves of what He wishes of us - we must learn to be meek and humble just as He was. We must know when to ask for help, and when we should seek Jesus out. We may also find that our lives get easier in many ways if we live good Christian lives and do as He did.
I am convinced that this verse struck a deep chord because I was burdened with all the things I felt that I needed to do in my life, but consistently offering it up to Jesus and taking things one day at a time really helped lighten my load. I truly hope that there is at least one Bible verse that touches your heart. It's a feeling that is hard to describe. I am simply in awe of the love that I feel when I read it. I tear up when I read and think deeply about it.
Do you have a particular Bible verse that has had a profound impact in your life? Please share with us and tell us your story!
Faithfully yours,
P.S. If you have ever been curious about what version of the Bible Camilla and I reference on this blog, it's the *New American Bible (Revised Edition).