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Mr. K
Jul 15, 20212 min read
Unveiling Our New Monthly Budget After Marriage
Many months ago, I wrote a post about my perspective on cohabitation and it referenced how it cost Camilla and I about $9,000 to live...

Mr. K
May 21, 20212 min read
WE'RE MARRIED! + Some Changes to the Blog...
Hello! It's been awhile! Sooooooo.. Camilla and I got married on April 10, 2021. That means tomorrow marks 6 weeks into marriage! Wow....

Mr. K
Mar 15, 20213 min read
Emergency Fund For, Well... Emergencies
Texas had its first harsh week of winter in what seems like forever. We took a few weeks off from this blog for the first time in nearly...

Mr. K
Feb 12, 20213 min read
The Lunar New Year as a Poor Child
Happy Lunar New Year! Also known as Chinese New Year to most, and Tết in my Vietnamese culture - otherwise called the Lunar New Year...

Mr. K
Feb 5, 20212 min read
Writing for the Grotto Network
I'm freelancing! With the new year underway, exciting things happening in 2021, and January already behind us, we have one more exciting...

Mr. K
Jan 31, 20212 min read
To Forgive My Brother 77 Times
I've internally reflected on this issue many times ever since my brother told me he couldn't be one of my groomsmen. He gave his reason,...

Mr. K
Jan 22, 20214 min read
5 Reasons to Start a YouTube Channel
We recently started a YouTube channel about our Reselling journey! If you'd like to follow us, you can find us here! There were a few...

Mr. K
Jan 17, 20212 min read
Embrace the Grind
I've neglected this blog a bit this week, and feel like I've had less of a handle on it lately. At this point, I still don't have a clear...

Mr. K
Jan 7, 20213 min read
Understand Your Expenses To Reach Your Financial Independence Goals
As long as you're spending less than you take in income, you're doing just fine, right? For the most part, yes. Some people live their...

Mr. K
Jan 1, 20212 min read
Health, Faith, and Wealth: Our Big Goals for 2021
Is it time for new years resolutions already?! Why yes, it is! How about along with our health resolutions, we challenge ourselves with...

Mr. K
Dec 23, 20202 min read
The Season of Waiting in a Year Filled With Waiting
With 2020 being arguably the most difficult year in the last decade, it seems like we've done a lot of waiting for the year to end,...

Mr. K
Dec 17, 20203 min read
When a Bible Verse Resonates in Your Heart and Makes You Tear Up
Next week, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm not a particularly outspoken Christian, and I'm certainly not...

Mr. K
Dec 12, 20204 min read
Lowering Your Monthly Expenses - Housing
If you've been following us for the last year, you'll know that we love to save money on food by cooking our own meals. Aside from food,...

Mr. K
Dec 3, 20203 min read
The Three Prayers I Say Every Weekday
Do you have a daily prayer routine? This year, I've gotten into the habit of praying each weekday morning. I start off by waking up,...

Mr. K
Nov 26, 20202 min read
Thanks For Giving
Happy Thanksgiving! With November at its end, we look toward Advent, the birth of Jesus, and the beginning of the New Year. It seems like...

Mr. K
Nov 20, 20203 min read
When Deep Personal Reflection Becomes Toxic, What Do You Do?
Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. -St. Pope John XXIII This quote...

Mr. K
Nov 15, 20207 min read
Mindsets and Behaviors Leading to Financial Independence
There are certain philosophies within the Financial Independence (FI) community that are pretty widely known and widely accepted. If...

Mr. K
Nov 6, 20209 min read
Part 2 on Cohabitation - How Can We Solve the Problem?
Two months ago, I wrote about the issue of Cohabitation from the perspective of how it relates to our faith and finances. I challenged...

Mr. K
Nov 1, 20202 min read
Happy Anniversary to!
When we started this blog, we didn't know if it would work. We just bought the domain, re-routed it to this dinky Wix website, and...

Mr. K
Oct 26, 20204 min read
Our Investment Policy Statement
I think it's about time we made an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)! It's important to create one when things are relatively calm in the...
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