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Mr. K
May 18, 20203 min read
Our Simple Investment Strategy
About a year ago, a friend introduced me to a podcast called ChooseFI and after listening to this episode on investing, I was hooked. The...

Mr. K
May 5, 20204 min read
Our Faith's Constant Reminders
Aside from our obligation to go to church on Sunday, have you thought about the GOOD that comes from our consistent faithfulness? To me,...

Mr. K
Apr 15, 20202 min read
A Stimulus Check for the Church
It's time we stop dawdling and to put our money where our faith is. Then, our job is to help others do so as well. It's pretty obvious...

Mr. K
Mar 31, 20205 min read
Encounter - Burst Into Flame
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We...
Ms. C
Mar 23, 20202 min read
The One Rule of Achieving Your Goals
A couple weeks ago, Mr. K and I had the glorious task of raking the backyard. The backyard is big and we had put this off for weeks, so...

Mr. K
Feb 26, 20204 min read
My 2020 Budget - What Do I See?
Let's talk about money. Did your parents talk to you about their finances? Did you learn about it in school? Or the school of hard...

Mr. K
Jan 24, 20204 min read
How and Why, you ask?
In this world that is drowning in debt and an insatiable hunger for immediate gratification, how are we expected to be followers of Jesus...

Mr. K
Dec 18, 20194 min read
Ms. C is Like Jesus To Me
Ms. C has been a massive influence in my life. Having known her for over a year now and looking back, I can see quite obviously that she...

Mr. K
Nov 1, 20193 min read
Why Faith and FI
I've had this nagging feeling for some time now that "I'm meant to do more" and I'm convinced you are too. This is just one way I'm...
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